Thursday, June 9, 2022

Hurricane Agatha

 The first of June, Hurricane Agatha hit the shores in Oaxaca State.  We were in Oaxaca City which is 6 to 7 hours from the beach area Hurricane Agatha came on shore.  On Saturday, June 4th, Frank at Don Taco's Campsite at San Agustin said all was fine, no destruction in this area, so we headed to Don Taco's beach camp.  Frank told us to stay on Highway 175.  Using GPS we were off and going.  Well about 4 hours GPS told us to turn left.  Being the navigator I did not pay attention this new road was not Highway 175.  These pictures are from this road that we turned left onto. 


Oaxaca Food

We ate at 4 different restaurants where the food was incredibility delicious!  We enjoyed a sample of 7 types of mole at 1 restaurant.  2 different fusion restaurants - one was a 7 course meal and the other a 6 course meal.  Then at very artsy type of restaurant call Los Danzantes where we enjoyed a started of Oaxaca melted cheese, goat cheese covered with a Mexican pepper leaf in a chile meco salsa and Oaxaca mushroom lasagna (Oaxaca has grows mushrooms in the mountains that have a very unique taste with 2 special Mexcal drinks.  You cannot miss Oaxaca chocolate either.  Mole is made with chocolate but their square have cafe's that serve the famous hot and cold chocolate drink and chocolate cake.  Oh my goodness I was in LOVE!


Some wild life in Costa Rica

 Here is some wild life in Costa Rica.  Beautiful birds and funny monkeys, great waterfalls!